The Wizard Video

This would be the first of two video performances shown on Top Of The Pops in 1972.   The long standing show was originally created by Johnnie Stewart in 1963 was shown every Thursday evening on BBC1 up until 1996.   The show moved to BBC2 and other time or day slots but eventually was cancelled in 2006.   

All videos were lip synced for the TV broadcast but gave us a glimpse into the band no other media could at that time.   Excellent quality film footage, but the dancing teens on stage are a bit out of place with this particular song. 

Filmed: 1972
Aired: March 16, 1972
Venue: Manchester
Location: England
Length: 2 minutes 59 Seconds
Quality: A+

David Byron / Vocals
Mick Box / Lead Guitar
Ken Hensley / Keyboards
Lee Kerslake / Drums
Gary Thain / Bass 


Watch the complete video as seen on Youtube.


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